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Last call for the gotta play tennis podcast

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Episode 37: Healthy for a lifetime. Play tennis!

Tennis is proven to be effective against health problems and aging. Keep mentally sharp and physically agile. Play tennis!

1 comment:

  1. Many thanks for mentioning my website blog!

    Yes, tennis is a healthy sport for life, challenging both body and mind. Nice review of some of the medical and scientific studies in this area. I took up tennis in high school in the 70s. With the passing of the 80s, 90s, and 2000s decade, we are now at the start of the new decade of 2010...and it means I am starting my 5th decade of tennis...holy cow!

    With all the childhood and teenage obesity problems now, my hope is that more people will take up and enjoy this sport. (King Gustov of Sweden, big tennis nut, played well into his 90s, and was inducted into the International Hall of Fame.)

    Best, Gary Bala, TimelessTennis.net


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