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Saturday, December 7, 2019

Happy Holidays & Thanks

Let me take this opportunity to thank all of the many parents and young tennis players, as well as the junior coaches, volunteers, and assistant coaches, who we have worked with this year in 2019. 
Without all of you, no tennis program is possible.

Special thanks for all their hard work and dedication:
Travis Cina
Katrinna Mills
Dave Wojcik
Jayden Miller
Kylie Galantic
River Wojcik

We at Gotta Play Tennis Kids hope that everyone has a safe and fulfilling holiday season.

Merry Christmas
Happy New Year

Extra Special thanks to Trish Miller for all the work, both on the court and behind the scenes, that she does each and every year to help make our tennis programs as special as they are.

Happy Holidays, and Think TENNIS!

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Fall 2019 Schedule adjustments (update November 9)

 UPDATE 11/9 
The 2019 Fall session is now completed. 
Due to unseasonably cold weather (30+ degrees), the consensus of the parents was to accept November 2nd as our last session.

We're confident you enjoyed the over 7 hours of fun and instruction on the courts. 
Keep playing tennis and we hope to see you
in the Spring. 

Fall 2019 Tennis
Schedule Adjustments

No session on October 12 or 26

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

NEWS: Fall QuickStart Tennis 2019 session dates scheduled in Gloucester Township


at GlouTwp. Recreation Center

September 28 - October 26
(5 weeks)

Ages: 5-10 program

Wks. 1-4 (Saturdays)
Time: 10:00 - 11:45AM

Wk. 5 (Saturday)
Time: 10:00 - 10:30AM

This format of kid-sized 10-and-under Tennis promotes quick success and lots of fun on the court. Through enjoyable activities and skill-based play, participants get an introduction to strokes, terms, movement, and scoring. Instructional games, scaled-down courts and nets, and youth racquets and balls are all designed for the size of a young child. Parents are encouraged to participate in family-friendly weekly activities. All equipment is provided.

RED BALL Team Challenge
(optional with an additional fee of $15 player 1, $20 player 2 or more)

Introducing Red Ball tennis competition with the focus on:
      • Team play
      • Parent involvement
      • Challenges to a new player's tennis skills
      • Family Pizza party (includes player(s) and their family)

Wk. 5 (Saturday)
Time: 10:45 - 12:45PM

LOCATION: Gloucester Twp. Community Park
Peter Cheeseman and Hickstown Rds., Sicklerville, NJ
Gloucester Twp. Recreation

September 5 (residents)
September 9 (non-residents)

$75 per student + $10 per student (GlouTwp fee)
Non-residents add additional $10 (per student) to cost (GlouTwp fee)
2nd student discount:
2 students for $140 + $20 per student (GlouTwp fee)

Monday, July 22, 2019

Weather Alert: July 22; Schedule change

 Weather Alert 

Tennis for 7/22 was canceled due to thunderstorm activity.

Bad weather (heat or rain) has now forced us to cancel on three separate occasions during our session. Due to these unforeseen and uncontrollable circumstances, we need to bring our session to a close on Wednesday, July 24th. We will extend this last session as follows with the hope that all will be available on this date and time.

Time: 6:00-8:00PM

We apologize for the multiple adjustments in this schedule. But as with all outdoor activities, these times and days selected are always subject to weather-related cancellations that are beyond our control.

We hope you can appreciate that we only cancel or shorten sessions when the safety of either parents or children is at risk. This is usually due to either lightning and thunder, wet and slippery courts, or excessive heat as determined by the national weather service.

Thank you for your understanding

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Weather Alert: July 19

 Weather Alert 

Tennis for 7/19 is canceled due to excessive heat warning in effect.

Our new schedule will be as follows:
(subject to weather conditions)
Night 3: July 22 at 6:30PM
Night 4: July 24 at 6:30PM 

July 23 is not available due to the SELFFtime Adult Mini Tennis session #4.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Weather Alert: July 18

 Weather Alert 

Tennis for 7/18 is canceled due to rain, projected rain, and thunderstorm activity.

We will evaluate tomorrow night's schedule as we again watch the weather. 

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Weather Alert: July 17

 Weather Alert 

Tennis for 7/17 is canceled due to an excessive heat warning and thunderstorm activity.

We will try again on 7/18. 

Friday, June 28, 2019

2019 Youth Tennis Olympic Challenge

A Summer event for kids to have fun and friendly competition, and to gain some basic tennis skills.
— No previous tennis experience necessary —

July 15 - July 18

4 fun-filled nights


$65 per student (plus $10 GlouTwp. Fee)
Special 2nd student discount:
2 students for $120 (plus $20 GlouTwp. Fee)

NOTE: Rain date may be July 19

at GlouTwp. Recreation Center

Players divided into teams will use their agility, balance, and coordination, along with some learned basic tennis skills, in Olympic-themed competition with their peers. Our goal is to provide a fun environment of group participation in tennis-related games and activities that promote teamwork, on-court problem-solving, fitness, and cooperation among players. Teams will win Gold, Silver, or Bronze awards based upon their success.

Q. In what kinds of activities will teams compete?
  • Tug of War Balance
  • Tennis Miniature Golf
  • Triple Play (feed, hit, catch)
  • Cone Catchers
  • Koosh Ball passing
  • Rollball On Goal
  • Ring Bounce Scoring
  • Ball and Racket Balance
  • Topple the Tower
And many more...

Monday, June 17, 2019

NEWS: 2019 Spring Youth QuickStart Tennis program closes with Red Ball Team Challenge

Trish and I would like to thank all of the parents who attended our 2019 Spring Tennis session at GlouTwp. Community Park. We hope you enjoyed it as much as we did.

A special thank you to those parents who were able to attend and provide on-court assistance at our now annual Spring Red Ball Team Challenge. The competition was low-key and enjoyable. Kids got the opportunity to exercise the skills they learned in our QuickStart session, and parents were directly involved with youth sport perhaps unlike any other experience they've had with the more recognized soccer, baseball, etc.

The pizza party that followed the RBTC was tasty, and we consumed about 8 delicious pies, and plenty of ice cold water, for which our small registration fee helped to cover costs. Our thanks to Mario's pizza, located on South Black Horse Pike in Blackwood, for working with us and discounting and delivering the scrumptious slices.

Special recognition goes to:

  • Coach/Trish Miller (my wife)
    • Without all her hard work, this event (and all the tennis sessions themselves) would not be possible. She thinks of all the small things I forget, helps me bounce around ideas for our lesson plans (pun intended), and she provides organization to what could easily be chaos and confusion. Thank you, honey!
  • Dave Wojcik
    • Assistant coach Dave is always there early to help set up the courts, and he always stays late to help clean up as well. In addition, we throw tasks his way, without warning, and he always takes the challenge in stride. His daughter River has been attending these sessions for a few years now and continues to improve on her skills.
  • Our wonderful teen assistant coaches/Travis Cina and Katrina Mills
    • Not sure what more I can say about these terrific, dedicated, and skilled coaches. Their work in the court with the kids speaks for itself, and I hope parents realize how valuable they have been both in their guidance and leadership.
  • Newly minted Junior Coaches/Jayden Miller, Kylie Galantic, and River Wojcik
    • As we understood the need to develop younger students to eventually replace our teens, who will be moving on to bigger challenges in the near future, we looked to students who showed dedication, spirit, and levels of skill required to act as positive models to other players. These three have shown this, and we hope to help them develop even more leadership as they continue to grow and learn. Special recognition to Jayden Miller as his never-give-up approach on the court (much of which Trish and I have seen when we hit with him) makes us very proud grandparents indeed. Although a bit under the weather during this event, he still pushed forward as much as possible to keep things moving. Thanks, Jayden! We love you lots.
Don't forget our 2019 Tennis Olympic Challenge, held evenings from July 15-18, which will be our next tennis session. Check out the description and information on our website.

Feel free to comment on this post. Also, take advantage of the online program evaluation that was sent to your email. 

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Youth Spring 2019 QuickStart Tennis

Photos of current Spring 2019 Session

May 11 - June 15 (5 weeks)
No session on June 8

Ages: 5-10 program

Wks. 1-4 (Saturdays)

Time: 9:00 - 10:45AM

Wk. 5 (Saturday)
Time: 9 - 9:30AM

Red Ball Team Challenge (optional with additional fee)
Introducing Red Ball tennis competition with the focus on:
  • Team play
  • Parent involvement
  • Challenges to a new player's tennis skills
  • Family Pizza party

Wk. 5 (Saturday)
Time: 10:15 - 12:15PM

LOCATION: Gloucester Twp. Community Park
Peter Cheeseman and Hickstown Rds., Sicklerville, NJ
Gloucester Twp. Recreation

Friday, April 5, 2019

Coming this Spring 2019 to Gloucester Twp. and surrounding areas: Adult Mini Tennis

SELFFtime Adult Mini Tennis
Selfishly Enjoy Learning, Fitness, & Fun
Tired of the same old repetitive exercise routines 
as a way to better health?
Had enough pilates, yoga, spinning, cardio boot camps, or the latest trendy exercise routine du jour?

Why not reward yourself with something fresh, but yet classic!
  • Promotes health and fitness while focusing on what you want most—FUN!
  • Teaching Agility, Balance, and Coordination through engaging group activities
    • Uses equipment such as hoops, cones, ladders, rings, koosh balls and more (along with rackets and balls of course!)
  • Scaled-down court sizes and rackets
  • Softer and slower tennis balls
  • Builds the foundations of the lifetime sport of Tennis
  • PTR (Professional Tennis Registry) Certified instructor with 30+ years of experience
  • All equipment provided
  • Wear comfortable clothing, bring water and smiles!
Point Ariel Park Gloucester Twp
(we welcome Washington, Monroe, Deptford, and any other surrounding townships to join us!)
5:45PM to 7PM

6 weeks
May 14 to June 18 (original dates)
New Dates announced
May 28 - July 2

$60 (plus $10 GlouTwp. fee)

All equipment provided

— Pre-registration — NOW OPEN
Click HERE for pre-registration page

Since many activities are partner-based, why not sign up with a friend, spouse or loved one.

SELFFtime Adult Mini Tennis
Q. What motivation inspired this format of exercise and skill development?
A. SELFFtime Adult Mini Tennis grew organically from feedback with adults on the tennis court as a result of shared hitting time with their kids in our youth programs. We heard tales of both Joy and Surprise. The Joy was in how much fun this mini-format provided compared to the traditional experiences adults may have had in the past. The Surprise was regarding how much exercise was gained when utilizing a format that works the entire body. The best news was that most were almost unaware of their effort thanks to the engagement and fun factor.

Q. Is SELFFtime Adult Mini Tennis "real" tennis?
A. The sport of tennis, at its most basic level, uses a racket with strings, felt-covered rubber ball, a court area to play in, and a net to hit over. All these items are present in SELFFtime. In addition, a scoring system is in place to help players increase awareness of their skill level development through the various challenging activities.

Q. How large are the court spaces?
A. Courts can be either 42' deep and 27' wide OR 36' deep and 18' wide. A traditional court is 78' deep and 36' wide. The size of the area is small enough to accommodate those who want to run more (playing 1 on 1 singles) or those looking for less steps (playing 2 on 2 doubles).

Q. Isn't SELFFtime just like Pickleball?
A. Tennis uses a strung racket while Pickleball uses a hard paddle. Also, the ball used in Pickleball is similar to a whiffle ball while tennis balls (of all varieties) share a softer felt exterior while maintaining an inner rubber core that creates a "bounce". Taking away the strings, and eliminating a tennis ball bounce, creates an entirely different experience that is more like large-scale ping-pong than tennis.

Q. Is the entire program just hitting tennis balls back and forth?
A. Tennis skills are built on the maturation of agility, balance, and coordination development. While hitting tennis balls with a racket is an essential part of what takes place, other activities are designed to challenge both mind and body in a way that helps sculpt a person's skills—regardless of using tennis as a healthful activity, competitive venture, or both.

Q. What would I need to bring?
A. Since all equipment is provided, all you will need is a water or sports drink bottle and a towel. Wear sneakers and loose seasonal clothing. Apply sunscreen as needed.

Why choose SELFFtime Adult Mini Tennis?

Tennis and Health

copied from https://www.researchgate.net/publication/40847392_Tennis_For_the_Health_of_It)

Tennis is a sport with numerous health benefits for individuals of all ages. It is also a tremendously effective fitness activity.

Regular participants experience a wide variety of health-related physical and mental benefits, from improved cardiovascular, metabolic, and bone health to improved agility, coordination, and even stress and anxiety management.

Based on the scientific evidence available, it is difficult to find an activity that offers as wide a range of overall health benefits as tennis, and individuals who take up tennis reap tremendous rewards.

Click HERE for 34 specific reasons to consider playing tennis regularly

Health Benefits of Tennis: Why Play Tennis?
by Jack L. Groppel, PhD

Saturday, March 16, 2019

NEWS: Spring QuickStart Tennis 2019 session dates scheduled in Gloucester Township

Please pre-register your child with online form.
This provides valuable information which we use to modify
our tennis program to accommodate ages and skill levels.

at GlouTwp. Recreation Center

May 11 - June 15 (5 weeks)
No session on June 8

Ages: 5-10 program

Wks. 1-4 (Saturdays)

Time: 9:00 - 10:45AM

Wk. 5 (Saturday)
Time: 9 - 9:30AM

Red Ball Team Challenge (optional with additional fee)
Introducing Red Ball tennis competition with the focus on:
      • Team play
      • Parent involvement
      • Challenges to a new player's tennis skills
      • Family Pizza party

Wk. 5 (Saturday)
Time: 10:15 - 12:15PM

LOCATION: Gloucester Twp. Community Park
Peter Cheeseman and Hickstown Rds., Sicklerville, NJ
Gloucester Twp. Recreation

Pre-registration online form

March 25 (residents)
April 1 (non-residents)

$75 per student + $10 per student (GlouTwp fee)
Non-residents add additional $10 (per student) to cost (GlouTwp fee)
2nd student discount:
2 students for $140 + $20 per student (GlouTwp fee)

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

NEWS: RED BALL Team Challenge scheduled for GlouTwp. Community Park in 2019

What is RED BALL Team Challenge?
The RED BALL Team Challenge introduces low-pressure competition in order for players to try out their new tennis *skills. It includes the use of QuickStart tennis courts and equipment while emphasizing simple rules and scoring for short matches against multiple opponents. This event also promotes team spirit, sportsmanship and camaraderie, and it utilizes parents/guardians as coaches and/or on-court managers (training provided). Event-ending family pizza party allows all to celebrate and share their achievements with others.

For additional information, please contact Ron Miller:
856-359-GPTS (4787)

*Player must be able to: drop-hit a Red Ball or serve to start play; maintain a rally, on most points, of two or more hits. No previous tournament experience required.

Saturday, February 2, 2019

Looking for a special gift? 

Need something different and unique?

Want your gift to stand-out from the rest?

Tennis Lesson Gift Certificates
(lessons fulfilled in 2019)

(follow the link for details)

Give someone the gift of the lifetime sport!