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Last call for the gotta play tennis podcast

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Just a simple THANK YOU

Let me take this opportunity to say THANK YOU to all those who have found some value in this site and podcast. Also, remember that I welcome any comments you may have. You can respond in the comments section of each post, send me an email, or write a Review in iTunes for my podcast.

I truly appreciate you taking some time out of your busy lives to listen or read a post. I've needed to slow down a bit since I am a full-time educator, and back-to-school is a crazy-busy time for all teachers. But I will continue to do my best in providing quality insight and historical references as they relate to this great game.

My site and podcast are still in their infancy as I had only begun this process within the last six months. Any feedback or ideas would be helpful. I want to keep things simple, but I wish to continue making this a place you visit regularly.



  1. Thank you Ron for all the valuable Podcasts and all the tennis comments and tips. I find all your points very interesting and helpful. Keep up the good work here and also on the Live Shows with Ian.
    Best, Gary B.

  2. Appreciate the feedback Gary. It's extremely valuable for me to learn from the ideas, observations, and experiences of others. Your comments on Essential Tennis are always well-developed, thought provoking and an asset to the tennis community.


Please keep your comments honest but family appropriate.