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Last call for the gotta play tennis podcast

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

NEW CONTENT OF NOTE: Help me celebrate 30,000 downloads

I would never have believed that something I had to say would be accepted and enjoyed by so many. 

Just  hit 30,000 Downloads!
We're growing FASTER each day. And I've only just begun!

These are exciting times. With the number of tennis web content available today, I thought my little site and podcast would disappear in the crowd. I WAS WRONG! And I am so glad I was.

I look forward to continuing to grow my audience as I work diligently to discover and apply new and greater ways  to help you with your tennis activity in life. Please drop me a line with what you like, or dislike, about this podcast and website. As always, with two ears and one mouth, I am listening.

Thank you so much for the support you have shown me. Much like the crowd at a tennis match, without YOU, none of this would be worth the effort.

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